Calera – Choachí (Mundo Nuevo)

There are a number of gravel routes from La Calera in the highlands east of Bogotá down to Choachí in the lowlands. This variant takes a detour up an old mining road that climbs through a gorgeous Andean forest up to the abandoned Esperanza mine. It does mean a navigating a short but very steep descent down from the mine entrance, but if you’re not up for that, just go back down the road a few kms from the mine and take the first left – it loops around and back down to Mundo Nuevo along a slightly longer but less intense descent. There are a couple of shops in Mundo Nuevo where you can stock up on supplies, and from there, the mostly downhill route follows the line of towering peaks that form the Chingaza National Park boundary on the left, with incredible open vistas on the right. For a long day in the saddle, you can then head back to Bogotá along the main paved road, or on one of the many dirt road variants. If you fancy a two-day trip, Choachí is famous for its hot springs, and has a number of spa hotels.

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