Colombia is a gravel cycling paradise. It is estimated that less than 20% of the country’s road network is paved, leaving over 160,000km of dirt roads, tracks and trails for off-road adventurers to explore as they traverse some of the world’s most diverse and breathtaking mountain, desert and jungle landscapes, in climates ranging from sweltering heat in the lowlands to sub-zero on the mountaintops.

Sadly, decades of civil unrest and social neglect created the perception that it was dangerous to explore even the tamest of backroads, and it sometimes was. But this is no longer the case. For the most part, Colombia can now be freely explored with very little risk, and that’s what this website is about. As a gravel cycling enthusiast with a passion for opening trails and minds, I wanted to create an information repository for independent adventure cyclists interested in exploring this fascinating country. All the routes on the site can be freely downloaded, shared and adapted (CC BY-NC-SA), and if you’d like any additional advice or support, please get in touch.

“Ride as much or as little, as long or as short as you feel. But ride.”

Eddy Merckx